The First Voice is The Last Voice

It is a childhood memory that I have carried for 27 years.
It’s about a newborn girl left in the snow to die.
A glass sculpture installation created a Voice in a white room.
I have kept the quote from one of the visitors in my memory:
”This is a church without God, this a pray without words”

The First Voice is The Last Voice

There I was
lying on the snow under the silver birch
The winter morning sun shaded the village beside
I was born on that night
My first cry carried away by the wind
It became my last voice in this world
Here time stopped by the silence
Only the drop of blood
tells the story that I am not supposed to know
The fire freeze the time, the chillness burning the spirit
Here I am, play the game that we are playing every day
Here you are, the voice in the silence tells us
Join the snow fall
United to the ocean
An end station with a new journey
Never stop, never return

Guangjuan Zhang